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A Chosen Generation

Bright and early on a Monday morning in Uganda, Africa, children began making their way to the Village of Eden for our annual Esangalo Day Camp. Arriving with smiles and excitement for the day ahead, the children began to form lines, eagerly awaiting their breakfast before finding a spot in the tents. As the opening ceremony began, the word “Abadole” rang out over the multitude of children. This word—meaning “Chosen Ones”—was the theme of the three-day camp. Each day children were taught from the story of Gideon, learning about the Lord’s call on his life to tear down altars to false gods and idols and to follow the one, true God. With a focus on God’s great love for each of them, children were reminded that the Lord has a purpose for all of us and that we were created to glorify Him.


“But you are a chosen generation, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, His own special people, that you may proclaim the praises of Him who called you out of darkness into His marvelous light.” – 1 Peter 2:9


As the last day of camp began, more and more children filled the tents. Many had walked for miles to attend and play games, receive a meal, and learn about God’s plan for each of their lives. With a final count of 3,571, our attendance record was broken! During lunchtime on the last day, the food supply was low, and children continued to line the field while waiting for their meal. The camp team—which included missionaries, local volunteers, and volunteers from Georgia and Kentucky—began to pray for the Lord to multiply the food and enable each child to be fed. Not only did the Lord provide enough for every child, but there was plenty leftover! We praise God for this miracle and for allowing so many children to attend Camp. As a result of Esangalo Day Camp 2019, over 250 children accepted Christ as their Lord and Savior! Thank you for your prayers and donations that made this incredible week a possibility and allowing thousands to hear the Gospel of Jesus Christ!


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